Executive coaching

5 steps towards a successful gender diversity programme

New gender pay gap reporting has added some spice to diversity and inclusion programmes as some firms refuse to publish equity partner figures, for fear it will reveal an embarrassing position. And, despite significant effort and investment in D&I, the percentage of senior women at partner level remains stubbornly low; less than 30% which many […]

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The six key triggers that mean you might need a coach

The use of executive coaching by organisations to provide support, and hence improve, the performance of its people continues to grow. However, despite this growth, most senior people have not had access to coaching and they are not clear when coaching might be helpful. I was recently asked by a senior business services leader, who […]

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Why we find change hard… and the solution

Every business person knows change is constant and that in order to survive, much less flourish, both individuals and organisations need to respond in innovative and new ways to the challenges they face. Yet change is hard.  This was made clear in a recent medical study that showed, even in the situation where a doctor […]

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Maybe I’m just as guilty?

Work life is busy. It’s quite simple… overflowing inboxes, uncontrollable ‘to do’ lists and immediate client demands at any time given the digital world we now operate in. Couple that with juggling a team and delivering motivational, inspirational leadership and I’m always amazed at how much partnerships are prepared to cut back on leadership skills […]

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